Florida CraftArt

Gulfport based Metalsmith, Eric Folsom, is a gallery artist at Florida CraftArt. He makes jewelry using uncommon techniques. In 1977 Folsom moved to Sperryville, Virginia, spent ten years working under the guidance of George Anderson, and became proficient in the techniques of brazing and fabricating bronze and copper into jewelry and sculptural forms. Folsom uses an oxygen/acetylene torch for brazing, melting, bending and forming bronze welding rods. He continues the process by using various hammers, pliers, vises and grinding wheels to make highly finished utilitarian objects and jewelry. He uses simple, elegant lines of nature to form lasting works of art that will be beautiful to behold for many years.

When Folsom makes a design, he first determines whether it should be a literal or symbolic interpretation, a utilitarian or decorative piece or a combination of these ideas. For him, inspiration is everywhere but most of his designs originate from observing nature and studying ancient designs; the undulating flight of a woodpecker, the trail left by a shooting star, the light reflecting on the Gulf of Mexico, or an Olmec head. Folsom has had the joy of many travels and is always working on new designs from these inspirations!

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