Laurie Landry
Laurie Landry is a mosaic artist from Minneapolis, Minnesota. From the early age of four, she decided that she loved drawing and wanted to be an artist. She later attended the Commercial Art program at Hennepin Technical college.
She worked summers at a sign company designing and painting signs, and after graduation at an advertising agency as an illustrator, becoming the agency’s Art Director. Shortly after leaving the agency, she worked in the commercial printing industry as a job planner and estimator.
In 1999, Laurie began taking an evening clay class at a local art center and fell in love with clay, particularly with hand-carved sgraffito. For 20 years she showed her work in several states in the midwest. In 2011, she and her husband moved to Florida and she set out finding markets for her pottery. Her ceramic work has been featured in Clay AKAR Yunomi Invitational, Florida CraftArt Gallery, Michael Kohler Gallery, Temple Beth-El, and Tour de Clay. She was also a founding member of the Lake Minnetonka Art Tour.
In 2018 – on a fluke – she made a tile mosaic surfboard shower backer for her community condo pool area. Soon after, she was commissioned to make another and her mosaics took off from there. Laurie resides in St. Petersburg.
For inspiration and source materials, I love the hunt for vintage ceramic figurines, plates, and other visually interesting items to incorporate into my work. I find the work of cutting and fitting together smaller pieces into a whole mosaic as interesting as a jigsaw puzzle, but with a lot more creative freedom and a meditative effect. Coming up with