Florida CraftArt

March 6-April 18, 2015

Florida CraftArt announces a call to artists for an open, juried exhibition which will be held March 6-April 18, 2015 in the Florida CraftArt Exhibition Gallery in St. Petersburg, FL. This exhibit invites fine craft artists to interpret the theme indicated in the title of the exhibition. This call is open to all Florida artists who work in craft mediums (glass, clay, jewelry, paper, wood, metal, fiber, mixed media). Non-craft mediums like painting and photography are not eligible. All work must be original and created by the artist within the past 2 years.

 Deadline for entry: Saturday, January 31, 2015 by midnight

Send your entry or entries  to Diane.Shelly@FloridaCraftArt.org

  • There is no entry fee.
  • Work will be juried by a committee of craft professionals for excellence and how well the artwork aligns with the theme.
  • Notification of acceptance: February 7, 2015
  • Work must be received in the gallery by Saturday, February 28, 2015

Submitting entries:

Only digital images/files will be accepted for consideration. These can be submitted as:

  • files attached to an email (preferred) sent to Diane. Shelly@FloridaCraftArt.org or
  • files on a CD which is mailed or dropped off at: Florida CraftArt, 501 Central Ave., St. Petersburg, FL 33701

The Gallery will retain all submitted images of artwork and reserves the right to use the images in publications and gallery publicity.

Entries must meet the following specifications:

In your email or accompanying your CD, please provide the following information:

  • Your name, phone number and email address
  • The title, size, medium and description of each piece you are submitting.
  • A brief bio
  • Any other information which would inform the jurying committee.

All entry files (regardless of type or media) must be named with artist’s last name, first name and title

The image files should be in HIGH QUALITY JPEG format, images should be no smaller than 1000 pixels in any direction (about 13”) and 72 dpi. This should result in most image files ranging from 700kb to 2mb in file size but this is only approximate.

Please do NOT submit links to jpeg files (Google Docs or otherwise). Please attach images directly to

** Be ABSOLUTELY sure you are sending files at the correct size AND that your email app does not automatically downsize the attached images when sending. Apple Mail, for example, provides a setting for resizing attachments in the new message composition window.

Images must be oriented properly (i.e. top of image is top of artwork.

Submitting the entry form indicates that you agree with the conditions of entry and exhibit as outlined in this prospectus, that you are reserving spots in our jury and that you agree to make your work available and will ship/deliver it to the gallery should it be selected for exhibit. DO NOT submit an entry form if you cannot follow through.

All work accepted for the exhibition must arrive ready to install. Works not gallery-ready, or not exhibiting good craftsmanship, may be omitted from the exhibit. Accepted work that differs significantly from the entry images or suffers from poor presentation, will be disqualified. Please note that professional-level presentation and craftsmanship is a must. Work may be hand delivered or shipped. Shipped works must be sent in an easily reusable container/packaging. Artists will be contacted for credit card information for return shipping. All work must arrive at Florida CraftArt by the specified date (see calendar below). Accepted work must remain on display for the duration of the exhibition. Works not claimed within 30 days of the end of the exhibit will become the property of Florida CraftArt. Artists are responsible for all shipping costs to and from the gallery.

Works will be insured while on gallery premises. Insurance covers theft, vandalism, damage caused by gallery patrons or staff (in accordance with insurance policy). PLEASE NOTE: Insurance does not cover damage caused during shipping due to any reason, including mishandling by carrier or failure of packaging to protect works in transit. Also not covered is damage caused to work by failure of the work itself, its mounting systems installed or provided by the artist, disintegration/degradation due to the nature/quality of materials or craftsmanship, or incidental damage to works whose artist-directed presentation methods put them at risk.

All work, unless indicated as not for sale (NFS), will be available for sale during exhibit. Florida CraftArt will retain a commission of 45% of the sale price if under $750 and 35% if over $750 on all artwork sold during the exhibition. Artists set the retail price on the entry form. Works are not required to be for sale in order to be included in exhibitions.


January 31, 2015 – Deadline for entry.

February 7, 2015 – Notification of acceptance

February 28, 2015 – Artwork must be delivered to Florida CraftArt

March 6, 2015 – Artists’ Talk and Opening Reception

April 18. 2015 – Last day of exhibition

April 20-30, 2015 – Pick up and shipping of work

Join Waitlist We will inform you when the product arrives in stock. Please leave your valid email address below.