Florida CraftArt

Aaron rosewood dulcimer 4Calling All Songwriters!

Take the following poem written by Maureen McDole, co-founder of Keep St. Pete Lit, and develop it into a song in the style of your choice. Record your song and submit your MP3 file to info@floridacraftsmen.net.  In your email, include your name, email and phone contact information.

Deadline: Friday, August 8, 2014- 5pm

Judge: Del Couch, owner of the Howling Dog Recording Studio, coach and mentor to Sam Woolf, finalist in American Idol this past season.

Winning Award: The winner of this competition will have the opportunity to record up to 3 songs at the Howling Dog Recording Studio.


  •  The song must maintain the character of the poem
  • You must use at least 50% of the poem in  your song
  • The winner must contact the Howling Dog Recording Studio within 10 days and complete the recording within 6 months.
  • By submitting the recording, the artist consents to allow Florida CraftArt and Howling Dog Studios to put their work on social media and their websites.
  • The artist retains all rights to his/her song but credits Maureen McDole as the writer of the lyrics.

Judging Criteria:

  •  Adaptation of the poem in the song
  • Creativity
  • Musicality of the recorded song
  • Overall pitch and timing
  • Quality of recording



By: Maureen McDole

you can feel quite blind
groping around in the dark
beginning a new adventure
not knowing how start

your friends seem like strangers
your life feels a farce
your main emotion is fear
guidance seems sparse

step by step you travel
not knowing when it ends
unable to marvel, at what’s around you
knowing your journey depends

on so much, out of your control
that you think you will scream
you just keep moving forward
until you reach the stream

of inspiration
that you have waited for
you walk a couple more steps
until you reach a door

you take the knob within you hand
and turn it to the right
press it slowly open
and then you feel the light

you have reached your destination
unsure how you did
realizing moving forward
is the only way to live

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