Florida CraftArt

Tibetan Monk Follow Up Art and SpiritualityA community discussion of the significance of the monks’ visit and how you responded with art or poetry or personal reflection. (Show and Tell welcome.)

Sunday 4/2, 2:00 p.m.

In February, the Tibetan Monks created The World Peace Mandala at Florida CraftArt. How did the experience affect you? Have you written about it… a poem, perhaps a song? Have you created an artwork inspired by the event? Did you spread peace in your world? We’d like to hear about it! Come and share your art it inspired, Sunday, April 2, at 2 p.m. Conversation leaders will be Maureen McDole, poet and founder of Keep St. Pete Lit and Rev. Jack Donovan of the Unitarian Universalist Church of St. Petersburg.

Here’s a limerick he wrote about the experience:
Tibetan Monk Epiphany to an Irish Monk in Limerick
Once a mandala for peace
Was created with effort and ease;
Now that it’s done,
It’s also gone –
In undoing given release.

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