Florida CraftArt

Exhibition Dates: September 1-October 21, 2023

What we fear can tell us much about ourselves. The 38 artists included in Florida CraftArt’s most recent exhibition, Ghost Stories, explore more than their own terrors but also offer images that reflect our collective anxieties and even fantastic views into worlds beyond our perception.

Catherine Bergmann, Curatorial Director of the Dunedin Fine Art Center, guest curated the show. “When I received the call from Florida CraftArt, I knew immediately the time was right for Ghost Stories.” She then posed the question, “Who doesn’t love a ghost, and who better to invite to the séance than a group of artists?”

Along with the exhibition, Florida CraftArt is partnering with two other organizations to present programming to complement the themes of Ghost Stories. Keep St. Pete Lit has challenged a group of local writers to pen ghost stories of their own inspired by the pieces found in the exhibition. The reading will be held at the gallery on October 5, at 6 p.m.

Preserve the Burg’s Executive Director, Manny Leto will share the tales of buildings that have vanished from the St. Pete landscape but continue to linger in our collective imagination. The presentation, Ghost Buildings: Places That Haunt Our History, will take place on Thursday, October 12, at 6 p.m. Pre-registration is highly encouraged and the suggested donation of $10 will be shared by the two organizations.

The following artists are featured in the exhibition:

Alegrobot, Demeree Barth, Karen Brown, Wendy Bruce, Joyce Curvin,  Creative Clay, Coralette Damme, Katie Deits, Ed Derkevics, LA Finfinger, Eric Folsom, Janet Folsom, Mark Georgiades, Kristina Gintautiene, Erin  Griffin, Cort Hartle, Judy Heady, Emma Hobbs, Pam Jones, Polly  Johnson, Tyler Jones, Janna  Kennedy, Traci Kegerreis, Betsy Lester, Cindy Linville, Richard Logan, Trent Manning, Francine Michel, Elizabeth Neily, Jacqueline Philp, Nick Reale. Shelly Steck Reale, Christine Renc-Carter, Jennifer Rosseter, Addie Rodriguez, Cooky Schock, Donna Slawsky, and Brandy Stark.

Read the full media release here.

Important Dates And Information

Zoom opening/award announcements: September 8, 2023
Final Day and People’s Choice Award: October 21, 2023
Post-show Art Pick-up: Sunday, October 22, 12:15-4 p.m. or Monday, October 23,10:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. by appointment.

For general exhibition information or questions related to the call to artists, contact: Florida CraftArt Gallery Manager Michele Stone at (727) 821-7391 or email Michele@FloridaCraftArt.org.

This exhibition is possible with grants and sponsorship from: 

Jeannine Hascall


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