Keep St. Pete Lit has challenged a group of local writers to pen ghost stories of their own inspired by the pieces found in the exhibition. The reading will be held at the gallery on October 5, at 6 p.m. Readings from Ghost Stories Ekphrastic Writing Workshop. A...
Preserve the Burg’s Executive Director, Manny Leto and board member and historic preservationist, Emily Elwyn, will share the tales of buildings that have vanished from the St. Pete landscape or in some cases have lived multiple lives, but whose histories continue to...
Preserve the Burg’s Executive Director, Manny Leto and board member and historic preservationist, Emily Elwyn, will share the tales of buildings that have vanished from the St. Pete landscape or in some cases have lived multiple lives, but whose histories continue to...
Keep St. Pete Lit has challenged a group of local writers to pen ghost stories of their own inspired by the pieces found in the exhibition. The reading will be held at the gallery on October 5, at 6 p.m. Readings from Ghost Stories Ekphrastic Writing Workshop. A...