Florida CraftArt

August 19 – October 15, 2022

Sixteen Tampa Bay region artists will set up their workbench and studios at Florida CraftArt for the Artists’ Workbench exhibition. They will demonstrate how they create fine craft from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Each week visitors can watch artists working and their work will be on display and for sale in the gallery.

“This exhibition was conceived by Perry Everett who is a longtime Florida CraftArt member and collector,” says Katie Deits, FCA Executive Director. “Education is part of our mission and there is no better way to learn about fine craft than by watching an artist at work. Visitors can watch the progress of the artists’ projects every day and see the final results on the final demonstration day each week.”

“Participating artists have been hand selected to exemplify every medium of fine craft we carry in the gallery,” says Gallery Manager Julia Collver. “Having an audience will be a great learning experience for everyone involved, where the artists get to teach their craft and share their passion in a professional and relatable way. The audience can ask questions while having a firsthand experience in learning about the work it takes to complete a work of art. It’s a great way to get to know the artists.”

Mark your calendar for artists demonstrations:

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August 19 – 22: Janna Kennedy (Mixed Media)

August 23 – 27: Nick Reale (Wood)

August 30: Susan Lumsden (Fiber)

August 31: Elizabeth Neily (Fiber)

September 1: Elizabeth Neily (Fiber)

September 2: Angie Knowles (Fiber)

September 3: Karyn Kozak (Polymer Clay Jewelry)

September 6-10: Joyce Curvin (Sculpture)

September 13-17: Shelly Reale (Ceramic Sculpture)

September 20, 21: Richard Avery (Ceramics on wheel)

September 22: Sue Shapiro (Ceramics, handbuilt)

September 23: Tyler Jones (Ceramics on wheel)

September 24: Kimberli Cummings (Ceramics)

September 27-30: Michael Baker (Glass)

October 1: Matthew Szidik (Glass)

October 4-8: Laurie Landry (Mosaic)

October 11-15: Eric Folsom (Metal)

October 15, 4 p.m. Meet the all the artists at the closing reception.

Artists’ Workbench will be on exhibit with artists demonstrating their techniques from August 19 to October 15, 2022. It is made possible by a sponsorship from Perry and Lisa Everett, along with Kathryn Howd and Edward Rucks, Duncan McClellan, David and Becky Ramsey, Don Strobel, City of St. Petersburg, and Florida Department of State Division of Arts and Culture.

The artists’ work will be on display and for sale in the gallery:
Richard Avery (Ceramics), Michael Baker (Glass), Kimberli Cummings (Ceramics), Joyce Curvin (Sculpture), Eric Folsom (Metal), Tyler Jones (Ceramics), Janna Kennedy (Mixed Media), Karyn Kozak (Polymer Clay Jewelry), Angie Knowles (Fiber), Laurie Landry (Mosaics), Susan Lumsden (Fiber), Elizabeth Neily (Fiber), Nick Reale (Wood), Shelly Reale (Ceramics Sculpture), Sue Shapiro (Ceramics), and Matthew Szidik (Glass)

More support is needed for this ambitious exhibit. 

Download the Sponsorship form below or contact

Katie Deits, Executive Director 
(727) 821-7391 or Katie@FloridaCraftArt.org 
501 Central Avenue, St. Petersburg, FL 33701





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