Florida CraftArt

Nothing is more important to us than the health and safety of our community. After careful consideration, we have made the decision to temporarily close Florida CraftArt to the public beginning Monday, March 16 and will remain closed until further notice but the staff is working virtually. We will continually reassess our operating schedule and will keep you posted.

We are developing some fun virtual activities and are available to ship items from our retail gallery, stay tuned for details!

Click here to watch a virtual gallery tour!

As a nonprofit organization that is dedicated to advancing Florida’s fine craft artists, we are acutely aware of how this dangerous virus will affect our community and economy. While we are closed, we will continue to promote our artists and exhibitions through social media. If you haven’t already liked our Facebook page, please do so!

Thank you and stay safe!

By the way, the photo is not of the Coronavirus, but earring made from polymer clay by Florida CraftArt Gallery Artist, Sue Gentry!


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